Moving on

Congratulation dear myself for your achievement and what’s next?

Esti Dhamayanti
2 min readApr 8, 2023
Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

March 2023 was surely somehow the most busy and memorable month of the year so far. I finally attended the first concert of my life. I have been waiting for them to perform in Indonesia for about 13 years! It was surely a magical and astounding night, and I was hypnotized by their performance.

Moreover, perhaps it was utterly the ‘bravest’ thing that I ever did in my life since 4 days after that concert, I had my thesis defense seminar, and 7 days later, I had my thesis defense closed exam. Back then, I might have sold that concert ticket and just studied. I might have missed that joy and just stressed myself out for a whole week before the exam. Luckily, my supervisors and the evaluators were happy with my thesis results and presentation, and my friends were praising that too.

I am happy that I finally fulfilled one of my goals, which was to get a master’s degree. I can reunite with my family to spend Ramadan in my hometown. I can also cut the living costs for about four months.

But then, the question is: What should I do next?

One of my supervisors encouraged me to continue my PhD in Hungary because he was one of the interviewers for the scholarship. I also think I will continue for my PhD since I am still intrigued by the proteomic and bioinformatics of parasites. However, I am completely aware that getting that PhD position is not a piece of cake, and there will always be a better candidate for that position.

Another thing that also makes me re-think getting a PhD is that, as a Muslim woman, I realized that it is better to live abroad with ‘mahram’, which is a husband, to protect myself from defamation. Even though I suppose it might be more challenging. Again, I also have not met the right one. Nonetheless, I just tried to apply if there was a suitable PhD position.

The other plan is a classic: seeking a job. At least I have to be financially independent, and hopefully that can help me hone my skills as well as grow.

Well, whatever it is, I will definitely try my best for this next journey and always ask for guidance from God to give me what is best for me.

